Union County, Blairsville, Georgia Summer 2022 | Page 19

Jack Lance , Jr . Attorney
706-835-1212 info @ lancelawfirm . com
Kim Farner
www . farnerinsurance . com Auto � Home � Life � Business
www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary
Start with a blend of a variety of music that consist of Blue Grass , Spanish style , French Gypsy , and Mountain Flavor . Add a duo with a guy who is a lifelong musician who loves a guitar yet masters several instruments and pair him with a gal who learned a stand up bass guitar two years ago . Mix their voices together or listen to them solo .
What is created is the most refreshing brand of music that has taken north Georgia and western North Carolina by storm .
The name of this duo is Curtis & Kim Jones Mountain Gypsy Music .
By the end of 2022 , they will have played more than 320 concerts in Union County and venues within 100 miles .
Curtis Jones has a lifelong history as a musician , composer , arranger , producer , engineer and artist . He is one of the most highly-respected flatpicking guitarist on the planet .
“ From an early age in church , my dad played guitar . We would sing , the whole family , songs from the Chuck Wagon Gang and old gospel . We would sit on the porch and I gained a love for music because of the way it brought the family together ,” said Curtis . “ Dad started me playing the bango and fiddle when I was 11 years old .”
Curtis attended his first live Blue Grass music event at age 15 , and he was hooked .
“ The energy and power of it struck me ,” said Curtis . “ The guitar was the instrument that pulled me in . Since that time , it is all I wanted to do .”
At age 17 Curtis went on tour with Larry Rice , Tony Rice ’ s brother , the world famous flat pickin ’ guitar player . Curtis picked up the
On Blue Ridge Hwy . at 57 Sears Way , Blarisville , Ga
Jack Lance , Jr . Attorney
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706-835-1212 info @ lancelawfirm . com
Summer 2022 � Union County GA Magazine � Page 19

Mountian Gypsy Music is a Magical Blend of Styles & Talent

By Norm Cooper Editor , Union County GA Magazine
Website : www . mountaingypsymusic . com Facebook : www . facebook . com / curtisandkimjonesmountaingypsymusic
style well , however , Tony encouraged him to seek his own brand and not be limited to one genre of music .
Searching for his own style , Curtis had a love for Blue Grass , Spanish music , Gypsy music from France , and a love for mountain music . He blended all four and branded his style Mountain Gypsy Music .
Kim Jones is an artist , singer , and songwriter . She plays upright Bass and keyboard .
Kim describes her history in music as “ almost nonexistent .”
Childhood situations and experiences limited her to singing in the shower and the high school chorus .
Her singing talent was evident from the awards she earned in Virginia at the All-State Regional . She earned a Silver in 8th Grade and
Gold in 9th Grade .
“ After I graduated I stopped doing music ,” said Kim . After traveling the country and living in the Netherlands for a year , she landed in Gatinburg .
That is where she met Curtis . They eventually came to north Georgia and they were married .
“ Curtis heard me singing in the shower
Kim Jones and Curtis Jones have the perfect blend of musical talent and vocal talent . At left : On the Square in
Blairsville , Georgia in the Spring of 2022 . At right : December 2021 in Murphy , North Carolina
Photos / NormC
and he told me I needed to do that ,” said Kim . “ So , here we are .”
Curtis trades instruments . About two years ago he acquired seven guitars and an upright base guitar in a trade .
Kim recalls , “ I said to him , ‘ What are we going to do with this upright bass ?’ Curtis told me I was going to play it .” At first , Kim was not convinced . “ I got to fooling around with it and decided I was going to like this ,” said Kim . She has mastered the instrument . Both shared what music means to them . Curtis : “ Music has done everything for me . It has allowed me to travel the world and is really my education . I learned to be who I am and be original and be somebody who is not like everybody else . Music taught me to be who I am . Music is a powerful art form , something all people relate to . It is the universal language .”
Kim : “ Curtis is one of the most amazing musicians in the world and people tend to wonder why this little girl gets to play music with this guy every day , when he could be playing with anybody . It is because I have put in tons of countless hours of practice and hard work . It hasn ' t come for free . ”
There is a wealth of information on both the website and on the facebook . Facebook post a schedule of their appearances .
To contact Curtis & Kim Jones Mountain Gypsy Music , call 865-257-3358 .

Kim Farner Insurance

Kim Farner
Owner / Agent
kim @ farnerinsurance . com
www . facebook . com / kfarnerinsurance
294 Hwy . 515 W , Ste C Blairsville , Georgia
www . farnerinsurance . com Auto � Home � Life � Business
Kim Farner Insurance Offices
294 Hwy . 515 W , Ste C , Blairsville , GA 706-745-1643 375 N . Main St ., Hiawassee , GA 706-896-3642 117 S . Main Street , Clayton , GA 706-782-5472