Union County, Blairsville, Georgia Summer 2022 | Page 18

CASA Supporting Strong and Thriving Families
Page 18 � Union County GA Magazine � Summer 2022 www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary
Submitted by Jenny Stowers CASA Advocate Supervisor
Although April is Child Abuse Prevention month , neglect and abuse occur all year long . There are many ways in which community members can get involved throughout the year .
Some of these include providing your support through volunteering as a CASA , volunteering for a mentor program , or even getting involved in children ’ s lives in another positive way such as through recreation sports or the public library . All families need help sometimes . Make the commitment this month to learn new ways to strengthen child and family well-being .
In addition to volunteering your time , other things you can do include participating in CASA ’ s fundraising events . Consider a recurring monthly donation , any amount is significant when it helps bring safety and permanency to the life of an abused or neglected child . Visit www . enotahcasa . org / donate for more information . Additionally , CASA will have other fundraisers throughout the year , Including the Blairsville Sorghum Festival the 2nd & 3rd Weekend in October , so be sure to keep up with our Instagram and Facebook postings for more information .
One of the most impactful things
Blairsville ’ s 53rd annual
www . blairsvillesorghumfestival . com

Meeks Park

On Hwy . 515 just 0.7 mile west of Hwy 19 / 129
Sorghum Festival Parade Saturday , Oct . 8 at 11am in town
CASA Supporting Strong and Thriving Families
you can do to prevent child abuse is to encourage families you know to call the 1-800-CHILDREN ( 1-800- 244-5373 ) Helpline , which is a free statewide helpline that connects caregivers with supportive programs wherever they live in Georgia . You can also visit online at www . PCAGeorgiaHelpline . org if you suspect a child is at risk .
Each year in April , the President of the United States issues a proclamation to announce National Child Abuse Prevention Month . Many State Governors also issue proclamations to encourage public awareness of child abuse and neglect .
On March 29 , 2022 in Blairsville , Mayor Connelly , Commissioner Lamar Paris , Enotah CASA Staff Nicole Lonano , Gina Bennett , and Della Lago , Butterfly House Child Advocacy Center director Molly Cousin , and Tina Teater Director of the Towns County Dept of Family and Children Services met to sign and show support of the community agencies and public policies that prioritize healthy child development and child abuse

Sorghum Festival

OCTOBER 8th-9th & 15th-16th , 2022
ADMISSION : $ 5 ( 13-older , 12--younger free ) / PARKING - Free
Sorghum Mill Grinding Cooking Sorghum
Arts � Crafts � Exhibits � Food Demonstrations / Live Music Log Sawin ’ , Rock Throwin ’, Horseshow Pitchin ’, Biskit Eatin ’
prevention at all levels .
Enotah CASA ( court appointed special advocates ) partner with these agencies that serve children and families to place pinwheels on the square as part of a public awareness campaign each April during Child Abuse Prevention Month .
Those who drove by the historic courthouse , the 245 blue and silver pinwheels represent each of the abused and neglected children served by CASA this year in our judicial circuit .
The pinwheel is national symbol for child abuse prevention . Why ? Because it signifies playfulness , joy , and childhood . It has come to serve as a physical reminder of the great childhoods we want for all children . Pinwheels for Prevention is the
5108 Hwy . 515E , Blairsville , Georgia
Pinwheels with Union County Partners
Enotah CASA staff Pictured from left : Katie Dunlap Nicole Lonano Brett Myers Jenny Stowers Debbie Schofield Gina Bennett Della Lago
perfect conversation starter between individuals or communities to discuss prevention in your community . Instead of opening the conversation with child abuse , reframe the dialogue by introducing the topic of safe , stable , nurturing relationships and environments that are key to building a solid base for healthy child development . Focusing on family strengths helps children , youth , and families build resilience . This month consider what helps keep your family strong and thriving and learn some new strategies on the National Child Abuse Prevention Month website . # ChildAbusePreventionMonth # ThrivingFamilies https :// www . childwelfare . gov / topics / prevent ing / preventio nmonth / resources / conversation-guides /
Monday to Saturday 10am - 4 pm
Pamela Foy Owner
abeautifulpast @ gmail . com
I buy gold , silver & U . S . currency
Hosted by Blairsville Sorghum Syrup Makers & Enotah CASA , Inc .
5 miles east of Blairsville , 2 miles past Bowling Alley
Young Harris
Bowling Alley
Photos / NormC