Union County, Blairsville, Georgia Holiday 2022 + Winter 2023 | Page 25

Christmas Crossword Puzzle Handdrawn ( not computer made )
GFC Outdoors
www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary
Christmas Crossword Puzzle Handdrawn ( not computer made )
This Christmas Crossword was hand-drawn with a pencil , not computer generated , by Norm Cooper more than 20 years ago
ACROSS 1 . Oh , come all ____ faithful 2 . Abbrev . Florida 4 . Main course for dinner 8 . Abbrev . Louisiana 9 . Slang for President 11 . Abbrev . Veterans Administration 12 . Reindeer go ___ on the house top 13 . Oh ______ Town of Bethlehem 14 . Rein ___ pull Santa ’ s sleigh 15 . __ LaLaLaLaLa 16 . There are _ _ ght reindeer
( two letters ) 18 . Greeting during holiday season 24 . Ho , ___ , Ho 25 . Ancestor of Jesus 26 . Let us go ___ Bethlehem 28 . The First _____ 30 . Christ , the Savior is _ or _ ( two letters ) 31 . What angel did with Mary 32 . Where Jesus was taken after birth 33 . Abbrev . Home run 34 . Abbrev . International 35 . ____ Three Kings 36 . Abbrev . Northwest 38 . Santa lives at ______ Pole 40 . Mechanical routine 42 . Same as 35 across 44 . Abbrev . Utah 45 . The ___ of the road 46 . Wise men came from a ____ 48 . Rudolph has a red one 50 . Come , Let ___ Adore Him 51 . Brought gifts to Jesus 52 . Alphabet : 6th & 14th letters 53 . Joseph and Mary traveled through this 55 . To show affection 56 . Fowl 57 . Abbrev . Connecticut 58 . Alphabet : 15th & 7th letters 59 . Mother of Jesus 60 . Christmas plays start with this 63 . __ __ orgia ( two letters ) 64 . Used in Christmas singing 69 . Grasped with hand 71 . Round vessel 72 . Alphabet : 5th & 15th letters 73 . The star was "_ _ _ _ liant ”
( four letters ) 74 . ___ tide . The Christmas Season 75 . What shepherds wanted to do 76 . Abbrev . General Electric 77 . What people do at Christmas parties 78 . Abbrev . National League 79 . Abbrev . High school 80 . Alphabet : 12th & 4th letters 82 . Abbrev . Ocean Liner
83 . Abbrev . Doctor 84 . _ _ _ ry to God in the Highest ”
( 3 letters ) 87 . Opposite of Low 89 . Jolly fellow with red suit 93 . Alphabet : 20th and 7th letters 94 . What child says on trip :
“ ___ we there yet ?” 95 . Make water ripple 96 . Friend 98 . Opposite of go 100 . Alphabet : 15th & 3rd letter 102 . Laid in the manger 105 . Mary could have been this 106 . What plants do 108 . In the Year of our Lord 110 . Peace on Earth ,
___ toward men 111 . Cooks at Christmas
1 . Giddy 2 . Abbrev . Friday 3 . Oh Come __ Us Adore Him 4 . Decorated at Christmas 5 . Color of Santa ’ s suit 6 . Night before Christmas 7 . Told around the fireplace 8 . Records story of Jesus ’ birth 9 . Child participate in these 10 . Led Wise Men to Christ Child 15 . Gift from Wise Men 17 . Neuter singular pronoun 18 . Records Mary ’ s talk with angel 19 . Roast these on an open fire 20 . Sacred 21 . Away In A ______ 22 . Alphabet : first two letters 23 . Popular Christmas song 27 . Give with canoe at Christmas 29 . Oh Come All Ye _______ 3O . Shoots an arrow 37 . What Mary and Joesph did 39 . Abbrev . Old Testament 41 . Alphabet : 15th & 5th letters 43 . Drink during holidays 47 . Jingles in song “ Sleigh Ride ”
( 3 words ) 49 . Tree that retains foliage all year 51 . Oh me , Oh ___ 52 . What shepherds watched
( three words ) 54 . Do you have ____ holiday cheer ? 56 . Ha , Ha , ___ 57 . Burned in home at Christmas 61 . Hold close at Christmas 62 . First to visit Christ child 65 . Burned at Christmas 66 . Food at Christmas dinner 67 . Opposite of off
68 . Female deer 70 . Oh Holy ____ ( song ) 78 . Opposite of South 81 . Angel spoke to him in dream 85 . Put on trees at Christmas 86 . Ancestor of Christ 88 . Greeting : ______ Holidays 90 . No ____ for the babe 91 . And , ____, the angel of the
Lord 92 . Abbrev . United Kingdom
Union County GA Magazine � Holiday 2022 Winter 2023 � Page 25 Crossword Puzzle Answers on Page 31
97 . Christ the _____ 99 . ___ Holy Night 101 . Often seen in manger scene pictures 103 . Everyone 104 . Ate at Christmas dinner 106 . ____ Tell It On The
Mountain 107 . Abbrev . Wisconsin 109 . Abbrev . District Attorney
GFC Outdoors
Specializing in Custom Guns & Bulk Ammo
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114 Penland Street , Ellijay , Georgia 30540