UNICONNECT JUN. 2014 | Page 9


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How to Get a College Scholarship?

Easy Steps towards success.

1) Research.

The earlier you start researching, the more options you'll have. And also note that a lot of scholarships have deadlines early in the fall of your senior year.

2) Read the requirements very carefully

and often. Contact the sponsors for questions or application assistance.

3) Get all materials.

• Transcripts

• Test Scores

• Financial Aid Forms

• Financial Information, w/tax returns

• Scholarship Forms

• Essays or SOP

• Letters of Recommendation

• Proof of Eligibility

• Others requested by the sponsor

• You may have an interview.

4) Complete your applications.

Get a Letter of Recommendation, which focuses on your abilities, work, grades, community service, talents, and so on. Allow them 2-3 weeks and make sure they sign it. Then write up your essays. These are the most intensive and difficult, but keep writing until you have a good Final Draft. Follow the directions carefully.

5) Proofread the applications.

Check the spelling and grammar and ask some friends and family to read it. Then ask for ideas and thoughts. Complete the application fully and don't go over the length limit!

6) Make sure it's legible.

Type or print it. Then sign and date each thing.

7) Make copies.

If you lose your documents, then at least you can send in your copies.

8) Make a nice and clean application folder.

This would impress the sponsors and

leaves an impression that you're organized.