Univ. financial
Scholarships are fundamental when shoosing a University, and you'll know everything about them after reading this article.
What kinds of scholarships are available?
• Academic Scholarships
• Average Academic Performance Scholarships
• Athletic Scholarships
• Scholarships for Minorities
• Scholarships for Women
• Creative Scholarships
• Unusual Scholarships
• Community Service Scholarships
How do I find scholarships?
You can learn about scholarships in several ways, including contacting the financial aid office at the school you plan to attend and checking information in a public library or online. But be careful. Make sure scholarship information and offers you receive are legitimate; and remember that you don't have to pay to find scholarships or other financial aid.
When do I apply for scholarships?
That depends on each scholarship’s deadline. Some deadlines are as early as a year before college starts, so
if you’re in high school now, you should be researching and applying for scholarships
during the summer between your junior and senior years. But if you’ve missed that window, don’t give up! Look at scholarship information to see which ones you can still apply for now.
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