Unfazed Magazine Spring 2017 - The Q+A Issue | Page 31
Whataresomethingsyouliketodoin yourfretimewhenvisitingalthese cities ? I ’ mI ’ mnotrealyintocofebutmytourmanager isrealyintocofe . Iloverecordsand colectingvinylsoI ’ lsekoutarecordstore , I ’ lalsosekoutfod . Ifthere ’ sarestaurant everyonetalksabout , I ’ ltryitout .
Backtrackingabittowardsthestartof yourmusiccarer , wasthereevera singlemomentwhenyoujustknewyou wantedtopursuemusicasaserious thing ? IstartedwhenIwas16 . WhenIwantedthis tobecomeaseriousthing , itwasactualyby acident , Ithink . Iplayedlocalshowsat16 andthenat18Itokabreak . Iwentthrough thisbreakupandrightattheendof18is whenIrecorded “ Glow ”, whichismyfirstEP . Rightattheendof18fromDecemberto aroundFebruaryIwasn ’ trealyplayingshows inmyhometown . Irealywasn ’ treleasing music , Iwasjustwritingit . Sothisbreakup hapens , andIfinishedal5songs . ThenIhad thisrealygreatoportunitytorecordwith MatKerekesfromCitizensoIwaslike ,“ Igota dothis .”. SoIrecordthisEPwithhim . Iwas justalocalartist , atbest , atthetime . Iwas onlyplayinghometownshows , Irealyhad nothinggoingforme . SowhenIfinished recordingthese5songsIhadnoideawhatto donext . RealisticalyIwaslike ,“ Alright , Ithink thisiswhenyoushouldsendittorecord labels , Ithink ?”. SoIsenditoftoarecord label , thefirstbeingInVouge . Theyrepliedthe nextdaysayingitwasawesomeandthatthey wantedtoworktogether . Iwas18whenI signedthatcontract .
Doyouhaveanyadvicetoanyupcoming musicianswhoarejustpickingupan instrumentorstartingtowritesongs ? Quityourband .(“ Nah , I ’ mjustjoking . Include thatthough !”) Don ’ tquityourband , buthere ’ s myadvice : youdefinitelyhavetoputmoney intoittomakemoneyoutofit . Whetheror notyou ’ reacarerist , there ’ sdefinitelyan investmentthatnedstobemadewhenyou getstarted . Whetherit ’ spayingaphotographer forprofesionalphotos , iPhonephotosdon ’ tcut it . Youhavetohiresomeonetomakeyoulok god . Graphicdesigners , it ’ simportant . Album artwork , it ’ simportant . OntourIplaywith theselocalbandseverynight . Themusic ’ sgreat butfromwhatI ’ vesen , whattheylackisthe image . Andthat ’ sjustsomethingIwish someonewouldhavetoldmeearlier . Theimage wasalwrong . TheyhavetheseiPhonephotos , andit ’ scleartotelthatit ’ schesey . Itloks likeMicrosoftPaintwasusedfortheirartwork andmostpeopledon ’ tevenhavemusicvideos . There ’ s definitely a certain level of profesionalismthatnedstotakeplacefor yourbandtogoanywhereandforyouto expectyourbandtogoanywhere . Payfor recordings , that ’ sanotherthing . Nobodylikes badrecordings . Norecordlabelisgoingtogo “ Let ’ ssignthisband !” oversomethingyou recordedyourself . Realisticaly , Igetit . Be cheap , I ’ macheapperson , Idon ’ tmakealot ofofmoney . Butyouhavetospendmoneyto makemoney . Ifyouwantsomeonetocare aboutyou , that ’ swhatyouhavetodo .
Whataresomethingsyouliketodoin yourfretimewhenvisitingalthese cities ? I ’ mI ’ mnotrealyintocofebutmytourmanager isrealyintocofe . Iloverecordsand colectingvinylsoI ’ lsekoutarecordstore , I ’ lalsosekoutfod . Ifthere ’ sarestaurant everyonetalksabout , I ’ ltryitout .
Backtrackingabittowardsthestartof yourmusiccarer , wasthereevera singlemomentwhenyoujustknewyou wantedtopursuemusicasaserious thing ? IstartedwhenIwas16 . WhenIwantedthis tobecomeaseriousthing , itwasactualyby acident , Ithink . Iplayedlocalshowsat16 andthenat18Itokabreak . Iwentthrough thisbreakupandrightattheendof18is whenIrecorded “ Glow ”, whichismyfirstEP . Rightattheendof18fromDecemberto aroundFebruaryIwasn ’ trealyplayingshows inmyhometown . Irealywasn ’ treleasing music , Iwasjustwritingit . Sothisbreakup hapens , andIfinishedal5songs . ThenIhad thisrealygreatoportunitytorecordwith MatKerekesfromCitizensoIwaslike ,“ Igota dothis .”. SoIrecordthisEPwithhim . Iwas justalocalartist , atbest , atthetime . Iwas onlyplayinghometownshows , Irealyhad nothinggoingforme . SowhenIfinished recordingthese5songsIhadnoideawhatto donext . RealisticalyIwaslike ,“ Alright , Ithink thisiswhenyoushouldsendittorecord labels , Ithink ?”. SoIsenditoftoarecord label , thefirstbeingInVouge . Theyrepliedthe nextdaysayingitwasawesomeandthatthey wantedtoworktogether . Iwas18whenI signedthatcontract .
Doyouhaveanyadvicetoanyupcoming musicianswhoarejustpickingupan instrumentorstartingtowritesongs ? Quityourband .(“ Nah , I ’ mjustjoking . Include thatthough !”) Don ’ tquityourband , buthere ’ s myadvice : youdefinitelyhavetoputmoney intoittomakemoneyoutofit . Whetheror notyou ’ reacarerist , there ’ sdefinitelyan investmentthatnedstobemadewhenyou getstarted . Whetherit ’ spayingaphotographer forprofesionalphotos , iPhonephotosdon ’ tcut it . Youhavetohiresomeonetomakeyoulok god . Graphicdesigners , it ’ simportant . Album artwork , it ’ simportant . OntourIplaywith theselocalbandseverynight . Themusic ’ sgreat butfromwhatI ’ vesen , whattheylackisthe image . Andthat ’ sjustsomethingIwish someonewouldhavetoldmeearlier . Theimage wasalwrong . TheyhavetheseiPhonephotos , andit ’ scleartotelthatit ’ schesey . Itloks likeMicrosoftPaintwasusedfortheirartwork andmostpeopledon ’ tevenhavemusicvideos . There ’ s definitely a certain level of profesionalismthatnedstotakeplacefor yourbandtogoanywhereandforyouto expectyourbandtogoanywhere . Payfor recordings , that ’ sanotherthing . Nobodylikes badrecordings . Norecordlabelisgoingtogo “ Let ’ ssignthisband !” oversomethingyou recordedyourself . Realisticaly , Igetit . Be cheap , I ’ macheapperson , Idon ’ tmakealot ofofmoney . Butyouhavetospendmoneyto makemoney . Ifyouwantsomeonetocare aboutyou , that ’ swhatyouhavetodo .
Twenteen 30