Understanding Suicide February 2022 | Page 9

4. Realize you will die if you believe the lie. The lie is that suicide will solve all your problems. This is one of the greatest lies of all. It implies there is no other way out of your predicament than to end your life. Help is always available. It may not solve the problem immediately, but getting help will allow you to consider and and employ safe, achieveable solutions to the problem.

5. Turn to other activities. The key here is to get your mind off of thinking death is the answer. If you are near suicide, you want to change the subject, or divert your mind to healthy, safe thoughts of how to work through the problem you are facing. Walk, jog, skate, bike, swim, take a nap, take a hot shower, watch a movie, listen to music, read a book, hang out with a friend, do chores, clean, go shopping, go to the park, etc., anything to change the subject.

Dawson gives advice and encouragement to a guy in this video and if you feel like quitting then this message is for YOU too.

“…fight, fight some more, and then fight some more after that.”

- Dawson McAllister