What to do if you are suicidal
1. Reach out for help. You are not alone. You don't have to suffer alone. You don't have to hold all of your feelings inside. Reach out to a trusted family member or friend and tell them how you are feeling. Don't be surprised if you don't get the perfect response. They may not know what to say, but that's okay.
You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at:
2. Refer to your safety plan. In a moment of strong feelings of not wanting to live, get out your safety plan. If you don't have one, download one here or check out this summary:
- Do you have warning signs that a crisis might be
- If yes, what are some coping stragedies you can do right
now to get your mind off of suicidal thoughts?
- What people or social settings can provide a distraction
right now?
- Who do you know who you can you ask for help?
- What professionals or agencies can you contact for help?
- How can you make your environment safe?
3. Remove whatever can harm you at that very moment.
Get away from anything you can use to hurt yourself. Leave your house if you need to in order to be safe. This will give you time to settle down and begin to think rationally. Some people are most suicidal while under the influence. Have someone you know and trust clear any intoxicating substances out of your house and vehicle.
Remember, when you are suicidal, time is your friend. It is in time that we begin to think far more clearly.