Understanding Screen Addiction | Page 29

Find a way to bring up the subject that they may be addicted to their screens.

Since most people may not even realize they have a screen addiction, you may need to find a way to mention to your friend or loved one the possibility that they have a screen addiction. You can do this by sharing this eBook with them or by mentioning that you are starting to track your own device usage to see how much time you spend online and ask if they want to do that as well.

Be supportive but have tough love.

This is considered an addiction after all. Tell them the truth about the situation to help them make the changes in their life that are needed. Screen addiction has a major effect on the brain and it can have long term negative effects.

Let them know they are not alone.

This is a worldwide phenomenon and it’s something we all need to work on and help each other with. Let your friend know this and that you can hold each other accountable. You could each set screen time restrictions for yourselves but then you can try to help each other stick to them.

Melissa talks to Dawson about her 3 children always wanting to be on their devices.