Understanding Screen Addiction | Page 23


Feed your mind.

There are many ways to meditate. One of those is to find a quiet place, attempt to calm your mind and let all your thoughts go, breathe deeply and find a place of stillness for a few moments. It will be challenging at first but once you are able to let go of what’s going on around you, it can have numerous health benefits in addition to helping your mind recover from too much screen time. Another form of meditation is to meditate on a particular thing, for example, if you are a Christian, you can meditate on a scripture or verse from the Bible. The important thing is to take a few moments of time to detach from the internet and allow your mind to rest.

Engage in thought-provoking activities which activate and feed your mind (versus passive activities like watching T.V.). Here are some activities that will help you develop the habit of thinking:

Read - Find things to read that will uplift, inspire or educate you. As you read, take moments to stop and think about what you have read.

Keep a Journal - Make time to reflect and then write things down. Write down things that happened, or ideas or creative thoughts you have, write down something you liked that you did that day or something you would change that you did. Write down poetry, songs, prayers, etc.

Engage in a deep conversation with someone.