Understanding Lying August 2022 | Page 9

Beyond the occasional instance of lying, a regular cycle of persistent lying may be pathological and points to mental health issues such as sociopathy. Pathological lying is defined as “a long history of frequent and repeated lying for which no apparent psychological motive or external benefit can be discerned.” There are a variety of personality and behavioral disorders that are related to pathological lying, from narcissism to ADHD. Although no pathological liar exhibits exactly the same characteristics, here are signs to look for:

- Narcissistic or self-centered behaviors

- Abusive behavior

- Deceptive, manipulative actions

- Impulsive decision-making

- Mood swings, including being easily/angered

- Lacking empathy

- Unable to stop lying, even when confronted

If you're struggling with pathological lying, or you suspect that a loved one might be, reach out for help.

Chat online with our trained HopeCoaches.

Pathological Lying