Understanding Lying August 2022 | Page 10

How to Stop Lying

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Lying can feel like a never-ending cycle when you're caught up in it. However, that doesn’t have to be your story. You can stop the cycle today and start a journey towards honesty and healing.

Recognize lying is an issue. The truth isn’t always easy to hear (or to speak). The first step in stopping the cycle of lying is being honest with yourself and admitting you have a problem with lying. Once you recognize the issue, you can move forward with real change and healing for yourself and those around you.

Be true to yourself. A big part of being true to yourself is being honest about your own feelings. Identify your feelings and dig deep to understand why you feel a certain way before you hide behind a lie. This is tough work! Don't be afraid to seek counseling and ask for help.

Find accountability. Talk with someone who will hold you accountable and ask how you are progressing often. If you slip up and lie, stop the cycle right then by admitting it and moving on. Need someone to talk to? Chat online with a HopeCoach at thehopeline.com.

Practice telling the truth. If you are struggling with lying, start by being honest about simple, everyday things. For example, if someone asks if you want to go to see a new movie and you don’t want to, let them know tactfully that you aren’t that interested in the movie. There is a way to be honest about your feelings yet be tactful, friendly and polite.

Ask for forgiveness. Start with honest, open communication with your friends, loved ones and those around you. Remember that no one likes being lied to. It may not be pretty when you come clean, but most people prefer the honest truth over a lie, even if it’s hard to hear. Ask for forgiveness and begin to rebuild trust.