Theories of Personalities
Each person is unique and the reason of it is because everyone is a someone or a person. Personality is the image people have about someone and the behavior this person have. Personality is formed by two main reasons one of them is heredity which means that the personality comes from the genetic of that someone like emotions, and the other one is by the environment in which that someone gets through in his/her life in which they acquire values beliefs, etc.
Talking about personality and its theories the most famous psychologists and their theories are:
Sigmund Freud: Which is considered the father of psychoanalysis. He identifies three levels of consciousness: Conscious, Preconscious, and Unconscious.
Erik Erickson: Propose social and psychological influence in the formation of personality, and said that the advancement through each phase is determined in part by successes or failures in the previous phases. Oriented toward society and culture. •
Gordon Allport: Said that every individual has a unique combination of personality traits, and that if we know that traits we will know the person´s behavior.
Carl Rogers: Said that a normal person lives in harmony with its deepest feelings, and its theories are centeres on I (ME) which is perception of identity.
Abraham Maslow: Created the hierarchy of needs. Saw that certain needs are priorities over others. His perspective was centered on emotions, attitudes, values, and interpersonal skills.
Jean Piaget: Had a renewed interest in cognition. Said that the exploration of cognitive development was the best way to contribute to epistemology. Using his method phenomenological.
B.F. Skinner: His system is based on operant conditioning which said that reinforced responses are done more frequently.