Understanding Friendships | Page 23

Every relationship will hit a speed bump at one time or another. Sometimes friendships grow stronger through the difficult times. So don’t give up on your friend just because you are having difficulties. Do all you can to make peace. Remember, a good friend is priceless.

Here are Five Tips to Mend a Friendship:

This is the first and most important thing you can do. Don’t sweep the conflict under the carpet and hope it will just go away. Ask what they are feeling, and give them the chance to express everything while you really listen. Don’t break in with your point of view, but try to understand their perspective. The more you can feel what your friend is feeling, the better chance you’ll have of fixing your conflict. When they are completely finished talking, I suggest you start by repeating back to your friend what you heard them say. For instance, “Am I right you’re angry that I was unkind to you? Is that right?” This gives you both the opportunity to make sure each of you heard what the other said.

Talk it out with your friend -



Don't get defensive -

Don’t quickly react to what your friend is saying. When you hear your friend telling you what they think you did wrong, it’s natural to immediately feel like you want to defend yourself.