Understanding Eating Disorders | Page 12

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is characterized by recurring, frequent episodes of eating large amounts of food, resulting in a lack of control over these episodes. After binge-eating, the person will feel guilty or shameful and try to compensate for

overeating by purging or vomiting, using laxatives, exercising excessively, fasting or a combination of these. People struggling with bulimia can be a bit harder to detect, as they usually have a healthy body weight or may be overweight, unlike those struggling with anorexia. Other symptoms include:

● Spending time alone or in the bathroom during or

after eating

● Eating to the point of discomfort

● Negative body image

● Sore throat or swollen salivary glands

● Decaying teeth and tooth enamel due to stomach acid

● Gastrointestinal issues such as acid reflux

● Intestinal problems due to laxative abuse

● Severe dehydration

● An electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to a heart
