how to forgive?
Forgiveness is not about saying what happened was okay, it's about letting go of the hurt and pain you are carrying inside. It's about releasing those feelings of pain and anger and bitterness and replacing those things with peace. The only thing that can release us from the grip of the hurt of divorce is forgiveness. Learning to forgive will be one of the hardest things you will ever do but if you want to be happy you have to learn to forgive.
1. Write down the name of the parent/partner who has hurt you. Write down how their actions hurt you and why it's not okay. Get it all out. Then say out loud: I choose to forgive (insert spouse or parent's name). I let go of the anger and bitterness I feel towards them. I choose forgiveness. You can burn or tear up the paper when you are finished.
2. Realize forgiving is a spiritual, supernatural exercise. In fact, it is impossible to truly forgive others without God’s help. God has forgiven tens of billions of people, He also has the power to help you. You might say a simple prayer like this: God I admit I can’t forgive (insert spouse or parent's name) with my own power. Please help me. Help me to understand how much You have forgiven me, so I can forgive the person who has hurt me.