Understanding Cheating September 2022 | Page 6

Accept this isn’t your fault. Your partner made the choice to cheat, not you. No matter what the circumstances, the decision to cheat was ultimately theirs.

Don’t react immediately. The first few moments or days after you find proof you're being cheated on can be full of confusing emotions. If you're angry or heartroken, you may think getting revenge by cheating yourself or tearing up every picture you have of the two of you together will make you feel better. It's always better to wait and decide how you're going to respond when you're more calm. You could regret acting rashly in the end.

Talk to them about it. It is important to remain calm while you present them with the proof of their infidelity. Give yourself some time to think and compose your thoughts, then be prepared to stay calm if they get defensive.

Decide if it’s time to move on. If you don’t feel you can trust them anymore or if lying and cheating is a pattern of behavior, it’s time to move on. Sometimes relationships can be salvaged and trust rebuilt. Ultimately, you have to make the best decision for yourself.

Get perspective. Talk with someone you trust, like a parent, teacher, counselor or trusted friend. They may be able to offer a new point of view on the situation. If you need someone to talk to, our HopeCoaches are ready.