Understanding Cheating September 2022 | Page 5

Cheating can often be difficult to spot. Cell phones and a million social media platforms, each with their own DM function, bring a whole slew of ways a partner could secretly contact someone without their partner ever suspecting. Some people are, unfortunately, very good at covering up their tracks, leaving no clues whatsoever. Still, here are a few indicators that your partner could be cheating:

Gets texts and messages at all hours, including

late at night.

Is overprotective or possessive of their phone.

When you try to talk to them about their secretive

behavior, they become defensive and even try

to accuse you of something.

Isn't able to keep their story straight about where

they were, what they were doing, etc.

A change in behavior towards you or others, such

as unexplained distance or sudden gifts.

If you think your partner may be cheating, try talking with them about specific instances or patterns you’ve noticed. Don’t accuse, yell, or get angry. There may be a legitimate reason why their patterns or behavior seems off. If they refuse to talk about it, or things just don’t add up, they may be lying. If they can't talk about it, or continue to lie, it might be time to exit the relationship.