Understanding and Planning for a New Generation of Player - Corey Padveen | Page 8

The peak of revenues on GameCo ’ s Video Game Gambling™ ( skill-based machines from which the data above was taken ) units comes from 30-year-old players . What ’ s more , over 80 % of revenues from these units is coming from carded players between the ages of 21 and 49 . In terms of cannibalization , these machines are monetizing Gen X , Millennial , and emerging Gen Z players - the underserved slot demographic - at a rate four times that of traditional slot machines . And in terms of attracting new , uncarded players to the casino floor and , more specifically , to electronic gaming machine play , GameCo Video Game Gambling Machines ( VGM™ ) are attracting this potentially untapped market 12 % more frequently than other units . That is a particularly encouraging figure , especially when we consider that in the United States when it comes to Millennials , there are three times as many carded players as there are players spending on traditional slot machines . Shrinking that gap even slightly has the potential to generate significant new revenue for operators .
Where We Are
A recent study on player lifetime value by GameCo took a closer look at what these figures mean in The terms casino of incremental industry , revenue especially for the the Las operator Vegas . The Strip key , though consideration more broadly has to do the with entire the land-based
lack of cannibalization gambling we have world already is on the reviewed precipice . Assuming of another average dramatic WPUPD change of . Casino $ 250 for floors traditional are evolving slots ,
retail rapidly and a WPUPD , square on footage new skill-based is becoming games less of densely $ 200 , the occupied data shows , and key that player by engaging demographics a new player are shifting skill-based - dramatically games . What by swapping this means 5 % for of the lowest-performing average casino operator traditional is that slot a significant machines transition with skill-
is based on the games rise , yields and this an one overall likely revenue means increase a new set of 4 of %. permanent , crucial pivots that have a lasting impact on both the floor , the operator , and the player experience as a whole . With the declining average age of Las Vegas visitors ( 44 in 2016 down from 47.7 in 2015 ) an increase are in non-gaming a few key areas spend that ( food need and to beverage understood spend ) and has increased analyzed in by order 25 % since to develop 2010 . a more
There robust image of what the future holds for casinos and players .
Where Do We Go From Here
First , we need to have a look at the current state of the casino industry . While the market is notorious Considering for its steadily the shockwave evolving felt landscape by the gaming , the challenges industry from facing the the current gambling global industry circumstances are unprecedented almost certain , and they that are we as can impactful expect to as see they some have dramatic been swift changes . Second as , with normalcy the changes begins to to the return casino to
, it is
and the casino gambling market markets . Engaging come modifications a new generation to the of player slot players psychographics was already that a also task need that faced to be taken some into tough account hurdles . The before traditional the effects model of a of pandemic “ know your and player a global ” must shutdown now take . Now into , as consideration an aging core the of impact slot players of a becomes new landscape more trepidatious and a new generation of venturing of out potential , the need players to engage , one young that views players the is casino more floor important and gambling than ever in . What general is clear much is that differently the current . Third model , with as the it changing stands will psychographics not be the answer of players , operators need to create stronger definitions of some of their current players compared to the
desired If casinos new are and going future to continue player . assigning dominant shares of floorspace to slots , they need to give heavy consideration to expanding the implementation of skill-based games . The data shows Coupled that the potential with this , for we engaging need to look a younger at the , behaviors more elusive of these player players and activating when it comes currently to the uncarded casino floor prospects ’ s most has valuable its best assets chance : slots of success . While with slot these machines machines have traditionally . The current been global the situation major revenue has lent generators itself a reset and of ideal sorts revenue-per-square-foot when it comes to the casino units floor , the . new With breed that reset of player comes behaves the opportunity differently to , and abandon survival the old and Trading growth Spaces depend model on understanding of traditional slot that machines behavior , and intimately invest in . Lastly a new , generation
once all of these of games points for have a new been generation fleshed of out players , we need . to look at the opportunities that exist in new games , specifically , those games which can help usher in a new generation of player .