Understanding and Planning for a New Generation of Player - Corey Padveen | Page 5

Current Versus Desired Slot Player Behavioral Analysis
Players of traditional slot machines are getting older . Hard as game makers might try - whether it is with new chair and screen designs , or expensive character or brand licensing deals - younger players simply are not sitting down at slot machines the way a now-aging player demographic used to .
TABLE 32 GameCo versus other Game Categories 30 %
23 %
15 %
8 %
0 % 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Table Games Other Skill GameCo All Slots
In a recent study led by Andrew Cardno , CEO of Game Changing Technologies , where unique player data was reviewed for multiple years of slot machines , table games , and skill-based gaming , the insights in the table to the left highlighted some important findings : ( Table 3 )
Where We Are
More than 70 % of slot revenues are coming from players over the age of 55 . In the graph to the left , we can see that players between the ages of 60 and 70 represent the largest share of slot revenue The casino industry , especially the Las Vegas Strip , though more broadly the entire land-based for the casino . By contrast , players between the ages of 20 and 30 represent the smallest share of retail gambling world is on the precipice of another dramatic change . Casino floors are evolving revenue , even lower than that from players between the ages of 80 and 90 . Those are not encouraging statistics with regard to desired players .
rapidly , square footage is becoming less densely occupied , and key player demographics are shifting - dramatically . What this means for the average casino operator is that a significant transition is When on the discussing rise , and this data one , likely Cardno means had this a new to set say : of “ A permanent casino is like , crucial a general pivots store that , have it has a to lasting have impact products on to both cater the to floor a wide , the range operator of customers , and the player . It is experience a simple fact as that a whole some . products produce higher revenue but that having a store full of just that product would result in poor returns .” There are a few key areas that need to be understood and analyzed in order to develop a more robust Gen X , Millennials image of what , and the emerging future holds Gen Z for have casinos been and elusive players demographic . since they started coming of legal gambling age . Having started to reach economic and spending maturity during the First , we need to have a look at the current state of the casino industry . While the market is notorious for its steadily evolving landscape , the challenges facing the gambling industry are unprec-
financial crisis in 2008 , they are warier of where they spend their money . The value of a dollar is weighed against its returns very differently , hence the rise of entertainment spending in markets edented , and they are as impactful as they have been swift . Second , with the changes to the casino like Las Vegas , and experiential spending among millennials in general . That , in part , helps explain and gambling markets come modifications to the player psychographics that also need to be taken the decreasing engagement with this coveted audience . into account . The traditional model of “ know your player ” must now take into consideration the impact So , if these of a coveted new landscape demographics and a new are looking generation for ways of potential to gain more players from , one every that dollar views they spend casino , floor then mathematically and gambling in , traditional general much slot differently machines . might Third , not with have the the changing same psychographics appeal as they have of players older , operators demographics need to of create players stronger . For young definitions players , of there some are of some their current key drivers players for engagement compared to that the
on desired are less new available and future with traditional player . slots .
Coupled There is minimal with this community , we need to component look at the , behaviors the hold is of higher these than players it is when anywhere it comes else to on the the casino floor , floor and as ’ s most far as valuable their unique assets or : slots varied . While entertainment slot machines value have , the traditionally gameplay has been remained the major largely revenue unchanged , save and for ideal the revenue-per-square-foot abovementioned brand units integration , the new or breed progressive of player components behaves differently . This begs ,
generators and the question survival : and what growth , if any depend , changes on can understanding casinos make that in behavior an effort intimately to appeal . to Lastly Millennials , once all and of these younger points players have in been order fleshed to increase out , we their need share to look of slot at revenues the opportunities ? that exist in new games , specifically , those games which can help usher in a new generation of player .