Understanding A Relationship with God Understanding A Relationship with God | Page 40


Think about your relationship with your best friend- you talk to them, listen to what they have to say and enjoy spending time together. In order to make that relationship grow and be healthy it takes work on both parts. The same is true for your relationship with God. It takes work as well as you grow in your faith. But that doesn’t mean you have to pray a set of perfect words or say certain things…you can just talk to God as you would speak to a best friend. Be honest, tell God what is on your heart. He knows already but He wants to hear it from you.

You may be asking, “Does this mean that we can ask for anything like fame, wealth, etc. and God will give it to us?” Not at all. We do need to be sure we are asking in faith in God alone and asking for what He would desire for us. (James 1:6).

“Pray continually.” 1Thessalonians 5:17