CRIMINOLOGY DEGREES BY distance learning .
We offer the ability to achieve certain degrees completely online , part time , and from anywhere in the world .
At Portsmouth , if you still want to study for a degree in your own time , online , and from anywhere in the world , and still get the same level of qualification as a full-time degree , you can . It ’ s a part-time course , and will even cost less than studying on campus .
We have an internationally renowned department for research and higher education in criminology , security , fraud and police studies , and we award degrees to students worldwide who choose online , distance learning programmes .
What can I study ?
Choose from three courses . Each takes 4.5 years to complete part time ( or less if you have relevant qualifications or experience ). You don ’ t need any specific qualifications – we ’ ll assess your application on its own merits .
One of the best things about distance learning is the independence . You can choose to learn at a time and place that suits your life . But that doesn ’ t mean we ’ ll just leave you on your own . You ’ ll still get all of the following :
A virtual induction at the start of each academic year Tailor-made course materials , easily accessible online A well-designed virtual learning environment Clear communication channels to tutors and peers Proactive and responsive support and advice ‘ Live ’ evening seminars , tutorials and IT help Access to thousands of ebooks and online journals
What ’ s next ?
Find out more about distance learning at the University of Portsmouth at port . ac . uk / criminology .
BSc ( Hons ) Criminology and Criminal Justice BSc ( Hons ) Policing and Investigation BSc ( Hons ) Risk and Security Management
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