University is a big moment in anyone ’ s life , and a massive step for any young person ’ s independence . The way to get the most out of it is to be prepared , which is why our friendly , experienced staff are here to give advice , assurance and encouragement .
Budgeting and finance
We know financing university can be a huge concern for any student , parent , carer or supporter . Our award-winning , Matrix accredited Student Finance Team offers guidance on all funding , bursaries , scholarships and money-related issues , as well as events throughout the year to help students manage their finances .
Visit port . ac . uk / ugfeesandfunding for more information , email studentfinance @ port . ac . uk or see our finance information on page 40 .
Prospective students who make us their firm first choice can apply for places in halls from January onwards . They are guaranteed accommodation in halls of residence if they meet our deadline .
Our Student Housing Team provides information about our halls of residence and the extensive private housing options available in Portsmouth .
Student safety is extremely important to us . Halls staff are on duty in various locations during the day and up to 11.00pm . Then security officers patrol halls throughout the night .
Our Residence Life Team helps students with anything from homesickness to relationships with housemates . And on weekday evenings , Residence Life Assistants , who are current students , are in halls to offer friendly advice . For more information , visit port . ac . uk / accommodation , email student . housing @ port . ac . uk or see page 44 .
Student support
Care leavers
If you ’ re supporting a care leaver , you can find out more about the additional support we offer on page 40 .
Estranged students
If you ’ re supporting someone who has lost touch with their parents , you might want to help them get the personal and financial support they need at uni . To find out about the additional help , guidance and support we provide for estranged students , visit port . ac . uk / estranged .
Leaving home for university can be a big challenge for a young person , which is why as a parent or supporter , you can help them prepare so they ’ re as ready as they can be . The timeline below will help you give them the best chance of securing a place at a university that is the perfect fit for them . It also gives you a helpful reminder of all the important deadlines .
Directing you to the right sources of information
You can feel confident in the support available to help students have the best possible uni experience . Don ’ t forget to come along to the Parents , Guardians and Supporters Welcome event at the start of term . Find out more at port . ac . uk / parents .
YEAR 13 SEPTEMBER Students can start applying for universities via UCAS .
UCAS deadline for most courses ( some have earlier deadlines ).
Scan the QR code for access to the latest advice for parents , guardians and supporters .
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Health and wellbeing
At the University of Portsmouth we see ourselves as a caring community . We recently won the ‘ best practice and innovation in support for mental health and emotional wellbeing aimed at estranged students ’ by the Stand Alone Pledge Awards , so all of our students are in good hands . There are several doctors ’ surgeries near campus , and a wellbeing service offering help with personal and emotional concerns , including mental health . For more information , visit port . ac . uk / support or see page 34 .
Everyone needs extra guidance or advice sometimes . We offer a range of personal tutors , Student Hubs and academic support , including the Academic Skills Unit ( ASK ), the Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre ( ASDAC ), the Chaplaincy and our Maths Café . For more information , visit port . ac . uk / support or see page 34 .
Part-time jobs and future careers
Our Careers and Employability Service offers support to students and graduates with part-time jobs , career planning , graduate jobs , work experience , volunteering and setting up their own businesses – all located under one roof . All services are available free for five years after graduation . Visit port . ac . uk / careers for more information , or see page 48 .
Discuss future plans , including degree courses and alternatives like degree apprenticeships .
Help research their options . What subjects are they interested in ?
Attend a UCAS Fair and other higher education exhibitions in your area . Look out for subject-specific taster days at universities too .
Ideal time to start writing a personal statement and gaining work experience . For top tips on how to use a personal statement to tell a unique story , scan the QR code to join our personal statement hub .
Attend university open days . Book a place on a University of Portsmouth Open Day port . ac . uk / opendays .
Applications for student finance open via Student Finance England . UCAS Extra opens for anyone not holding offers .
Students need to make their Firm and Insurance choices and let the universities know . Exam season starts – help and support your young person to prepare and revise .
Exam results . Clearing and Confirmation opens . If your young person hasn ’ t applied to university yet or has not got the results they were expecting , now is the time to act or consider their university options . But we encourage applicants to get in touch with Admissions well before they get their results , to talk through their options .
Find out how you can offer more support at port . ac . uk / parentsandsupporters
+ 44 ( 0 ) 23 9284 5566 ADMISSIONS @ PORT . AC . UK
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