Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Please refer to the Academic Probation and Dismissal section in the catalog .
Accessibility Services
Gwynedd Mercy University intends for all students accepted into an academic program to have equal access and opportunity to effectively reach their academic and personal goals . Within the bounds of its resources , Gwynedd Mercy University will provide reasonable accommodations to meet the challenges and needs of students with a qualified disability . The Office of Accessibility Services , located on the second floor of Keiss Library , works to coordinate with faculty , staff and administration to meet the needs of students who have a qualified disability . In addition , Gwynedd Mercy University regularly convenes a University wide Accessibility Awareness Committee dedicated to identifying barriers of accessibility that prohibit persons with disabilities from experiencing equal access to educational opportunities at Gwynedd Mercy University .
At the time of a student ’ s acceptance to Gwynedd Mercy University , or anytime thereafter , a request can be made for accommodations pertaining to learning , psychological , and / or physical disabilities . This request must be made by the student directly to the Director of Accessibility Services . Requests must be made by the student to the Director in person , by email , or by receipt of the GMercyU Accommodation Application . Other forms of contact such as phone calls or disclosure to other University staff or faculty are not recognized as requests for accommodations . A student who self- identifies as having a disability and requests accommodations is responsible for submitting appropriate documentation and following the procedures as listed on the Accessibility Support web page https :// www . gmercyu . edu / studentlife / campus-resources / accessibility-services / student- accessibility-services .
No accommodation can be made by Gwynedd Mercy University without completing this process .
All information provided to the Director of Accessibility Services is , in accordance with FERPA , confidential . It is important to allow sufficient time for administrative processing of the application . The accommodation process may take up to six weeks for completion . In addition , accommodation requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis and the accommodations are based on each student ' s individual and unique needs .
For additional information , visit the University ’ s Accessibility Services web page : or email accessibilityservices @ gmercyu . edu .
Accessibility Services Grievance Procedure Grievances falling under the scope of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 , and the ADA Amendment Act of 2008 should be made according to the following procedure . This procedure is applicable only to students who have previously registered with Accessibility Services , regardless of their experience in the classroom to date . A student who has a grievance / concern regarding their disability status , accommodations / modifications or lack thereof , the “ reasonableness ” presented by the University , or any decisions based on their presentation by faculty , staff or a department ; or has been subjected to discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability should first contact the Director of Accessibility Services . The Director may be able to assist in the informal resolution of the issue , and / or serve as a liaison to the faculty / staff member or