Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 | Page 33

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Program Information :
• First- time , first- semester students are required to take UNV 002 as part of the University Studies requirements .
• The University strongly suggests that University Studies students declare a major no later than the completion of 60 earned credits .
• Students will be connected to the program coordinator of their intended program before / during their change of major process
Students who have more than 60 credits may be enrolled in the University Studies program for no more than two consecutive semesters before declaring a major . If , after two semesters in University Studies , a student is not accepted into a major , the student may continue only as a nonmatriculated , part-time student .
Academic / Retention Alert
The University employs an electronic retention alert system to notify students who may be or become academically at-risk . Students will be notified electronically if one of their faculty members submits a retention alert . Students are then urged to reach out to their advisor , instructor , and the Student Success Center to create and implement a success plan .
Academic Recovery Program
Purpose The Academic Advising Department coordinates the Academic Recovery ( AR ) program , which supports term and non-term students on Academic Probation . Through its framework , the program takes a holistic , assistive approach to coordinate students ’ individual strengths with their areas of potential growth . As the students and the Student Success Specialist collaborate , students will address their academic obstacles to pursue good academic standing .
• Develop individualized Academic Success Plans which encourage students to evaluate their specific areas of expertise / growth
• Provide the students with the knowledge and the access to appropriate campus resources Guide the students as they develop their self-efficacy through supportive mentorship , synergetic exercises , and student-led application
• Facilitate collaborative opportunities between the Student Success Specialist and the student to define , implement , and produce work that aligns the students ’ ability with Gwynedd Mercy University ’ s requirements .
Criteria When a student doesn ’ t maintain a good academic standing , they will qualify for the Academic Recovery Program . What does good academic standing look like ?
• Students with ≤ 30 total credits must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.80 .
• Students with total credits > 30 must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 .
• Nonterm : < 1.8 or 2.0 respectively of total credits ( transferred and earned ) If a student doesn ’ t meet those criteria , they will fall into a probationary academic standing , and they must fulfill the requirements of the Academic Recovery Program .