Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
found in the Campbell Solution Center or on the Registrar ’ s Office website . The deadline for course withdrawal is published each semester / session in the Academic Calendar and may be obtained through the Registrar ’ s Office , on the Registrar ’ s website or in the Office of Academic Affairs . Students who request a course withdrawal after the end of the withdrawal period must submit the Course Withdrawal form in addition to the appropriate documentation that supports their request to the School Dean for approval . Students are financially responsible for all courses from which they withdraw .
Non-Academic Criteria for Admission , Progression and Retention
Professional Disposition and Conduct : Students are responsible for exhibiting conduct that is appropriate to their professional training and education . The CIS Program will not tolerate any act that violates the policies put in place by the university . Gwynedd Mercy University is committed to maintaining a positive learning , working , and living environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment . It is the student ’ s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the University ’ s Policies .
Technology Requirements : Access to a Machine ( physical or virtual ) running Windows Operating System . All software , labs , hands-on projects , and assignments require the latest version of Windows .
NOTE : For Major Requirements , see Program Handbook and Curriculum Sheets . For Curriculum Sequence , see Program Handbook
Program Description : The Criminal Justice program at Gwynedd Mercy University is designed with professionalism , Mercy , and excellence in mind . The program is intended to offer a multi-disciplinary education to students interested in a variety of criminal justice-related topics , all with the goal of advancing their careers , both academically and practically . The course offerings are created to promote critical thought in the application of education to the field of criminal justice , as well as fostering ethical standards for practitioners and academicians alike . The Criminal Justice Program at Gwynedd Mercy University is designed to graduate well-rounded scholars who are given the tools to excel in their chosen careers and promotes the following objectives in furtherance of these goals : The goal of the Criminal Justice program is to provide the best quality education , both in curriculum design and course content , keeping up to date in the rapidly changing field of criminal justice . The intent is to create a well-rounded graduate , who has the ability to make a positive contribution to the field of criminal justice and the larger society . With the Mission of the program and University in mind , students will be able to achieve the following goals upon completion of their Criminal Justice education at Gwynedd Mercy University :
Program Student Learning Outcomes : PLO1 Elucidate the various criminological theories and utilize them to explain various types of criminal behavior , including both violent and non-violent crimes . PLO2 Discuss the historical environment behind problematic behavior that has had a negative effect on minorities , and how the criminal justice system has addressed the correlates that lead to the perpetuation of such actions . PLO3 Analyze ethical decision making , becoming familiar with the major moral and social systems , and their