Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Program Student Learning Outcomes : PLO1 Understand the professional , ethical , security , and social impact computers and technology have on society ; PLO2 Possess the ability to communicate technical subject matter in a variety of formats ; PLO3 Demonstrate innovative approaches in addressing technical issues ; PLO4 Demonstrate problem-solving abilities for analyzing a technical problem through finding and implementing a solution ; PLO5 Strive to consciously develop and apply technologies without bias .
NOTE : For Major Requirements , see Program Handbook and Curriculum Sheets . For Curriculum Sequence , see Program Handbook
Academic Criteria for Admission , Progression and Retention Program Admissions Requirements and Procedures : Note : Same as University
Transfers , Internal : Students interesting in changing their major to the BS Computer Information Science program may do so at any time but must have earned a GPA of 2.5 or higher prior to being accepted into the program . Internal transfers will meet with the Program Director to discuss their interest , the requirements of the program , and the transfer of credits from their previous major .
Transfers , External : Any student who has been enrolled in a regionally accredited post-secondary school of higher education and accepted into Gwynedd Mercy University as a transfer student may apply for admission into the BS Computer Information Science program . The Registrar ’ s office will conduct a transfer equivalency analysis of the applicant ’ s completed credits . Course credits from another accredited institution will be accepted if they correspond to the courses offered at Gwynedd Mercy University and if the course grades are C or higher ( C- is not an acceptable grade for transfer ). The Program Coordinator will review all transcripts and course descriptions from the sending university to determine course equivalency .
Academic Standards / Grade Requirements : Grades of “ C ” or higher are required in each major course in the Computer Information Science program . A student may achieve less than a “ C ” grade in only two major courses and their prerequisites , and they may repeat these courses only once . If a student , regardless of cumulative grade point average , achieves less than a “ C ” grade on the third major course , or fails to bring all grades up to a “ C ” with one repeat , the student may be dismissed from the program .
Attendance Policies ( including Lab / Clinical Attendance Policies ) : Class attendance and participation is an integral part of the collaborative learning environment . Students with frequent unexcused absences typically do not do very well and oftentimes must repeat the course .
Academic Progress , ( Probation ), and Program Dismissal : Students must earn a grade of “ C ” or better in CIS 104 , 110 , 114 , 116 , 203 , 204 , 215 , 230 , 301 , 304 , 318 , 321 , 330 , 410 , * CIS 420 CIS 4000 (* not required for cybersecurity and computer forensics option ). Additionally , the Cybersecurity and Computer Forensic and Web Design and Multimedia options requires MTH 231 , 234 , and 261 . Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning also requires MTH 235 and MTH 245 . In addition to the core requirements , CIS majors select one of three professional options : Cybersecurity / Computer Forensics , Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning , or Web Design / Multimedia . Students with ≤ 2.0 GPA may be dismissed from the program .
Course Withdrawal Policies : Students who desire to withdraw from one or more courses may do so within the course withdrawal period . Any student who seeks to withdraw from courses within the course withdraw period must submit a Course Withdrawal form to the Registrar ’ s Office . The Course Withdrawal form can be