Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 76

Gwynedd Mercy University AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
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The General Education Curriculum at Gwynedd Mercy University : Growth Through Mercy Connections In order to prepare the distinctive Mercy graduate as a self-sufficient life-long learner who is an informed , responsible , caring citizen of a diverse global community , the University has established a common educational experience in its required curriculum of general education . This general education curriculum is a beacon , guiding students toward the development of habits of thought and behavior that will serve them in the search for truth in all its complexity . This curriculum promotes the development of humane values that incorporate the ideals of integrity , compassion and mercy . The Signature Seminar component of the general education curriculum offers students the opportunity to discover what is distinctive about Gwynedd Mercy University as a Catholic , Mercy institution committed to the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy : care of the earth , non- violence , anti-racism , immigration , and women .
Associate Degree Requirements * General Education , Core Curriculum : Growth through Mercy Connections
Skills for Exploring ** FYE 1000- First-Year Experience FYE 1001- First-Year Experience Services ENG 101-College English Signature Seminar Two Signature Seminars Society and Global Diversity HIS , SOC or PSY Exploring the Natural World , Mathematics & Technology MTH CIS or Natural Science BIO , CHM , PHY or SCI Exploring the Spiritual World PHL or RS Exploring the Arts and the Imagination ENG
2 credits 1 credit 3 credits
6 credits
3 credits
3 credits 3 credits 3 credits
6 credits
3 credits
33 credits
* These are the minimum requirements for General Education . Additional courses maybe required by specific associate degree programs . ** FYE courses are not required for students enrolled in Accelerated or Non-Term Programs .
Bachelor Degree Requirements * General Education , Core Curriculum : Growth through Mercy Connections
Skills for Exploring **