Gwynedd Mercy University AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
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In order to support the transition of first-year students into the Gwynedd Mercy University community , the University requires all eligible first-year students to participate in the First-Year Experience Program ( FYE ). This program has been designed to develop student engagement with academic and co-curricular programming throughout the University and introduce students to the concept of service to society reflective of the Mercy charism .
The program has three main goals , all necessary for success in the collegiate environment :
• Fostering the development of academic skills ;
• Educating students in the Mercy tradition and the mission of the University ;
• Supporting the positive growth of interpersonal and social skills .
The two ( 2 ) courses required for all eligible students include : |
Course Number |
Course Title |
Credits |
FYE-1000 |
First-Year Experience |
2 credits |
FYE-1001 |
First-Year Experience Service |
1 credit |
Requirements FYE 1000 is required of all full-time and part-time first-year students during their first semester ; FYE1001 is required of all full-time and part-time first-year students during their second semester . Students who matriculate at the beginning of the spring semester are required to take both FYE1000 and FYE1001 during their first semester . Students are not allowed to withdraw from either course except in cases of documented necessity . In all such cases , permission from the Dean of Student Success is required to withdraw from the course . Any student who does not successfully complete FYE 1000 is required to enroll in the course again in the next semester of their attendance . Any student who does not successfully complete FYE 1001 is required to enroll in the course again in the next semester that it is offered upon their return to the University . FYE1000 is a pre- or co-requisite with FYE1001 .
Exemptions Students who are 21 years of age or older or who have accrued 24 or more credits of university experience are exempt from FYE . Students who are exempt from FYE should take a general education elective in place of the FYE courses . FYE courses are not required for students enrolled in accelerated or non-term programs .