Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
2 . Developmental courses which carry credit do not satisfy requirements within the major or general education component of a degree program . These courses do not count toward graduation . 3 . No transfer credits may replace the Signature Seminars . 4 . Grades of " P " ( Pass ) or " S " ( Satisfactory ) are generally not acceptable for transfer ( except under the " second degree program "). Some Schools do allow for exceptions to this policy ; each is evaluated on an individual basis . 5 . Challenge examinations carrying a grade of " P " or " S " completed at another regionally accredited institution may be accepted in transfer within the general education or major component of a degree program ; each is evaluated on an individual basis . 6 . Training and experience within a branch of the military that has been evaluated for credit by the American Council on Education may be acceptable for transfer credits . 7 . Gwynedd Mercy University participates in the Advanced Placement Examination Program ( AP ) and the College Level Examination Program ( CLEP ). These credits are considered Gwynedd Mercy University credits and are processed through the Registrar ’ s Office . 8 . Although course titles and credits earned appear on Gwynedd Mercy University ’ s Transcript , courses accepted in transfer are not included in the computation of Semester or cumulative grade point averages . 9 . Students may petition to have courses accepted in transfer that were not accepted as a result of an initial evaluation . Usually , course descriptions and course outlines would need to be forwarded by the student for any course in question . In all cases , the submitted material is reviewed by the Registrar ’ s Office and by faculty within the subject area of the courses in questions . 10 . Transcripts received from institutions outside of the United States must be evaluated ( course -by-course ) by the ( WES ) World Educational Services of New York . Gwynedd Mercy University will generally follow the recommendations of this service . Individual Schools within the University reserve the right to refuse any credit recommendations Made by World Educational Services . 11 . The Registrar ’ s Office will evaluate only official transcripts accredited by regional Accreditation for all schools attended . This official evaluation is done after students accepted . 12 . The Registrar ’ s Office is responsible for the official transfer of credit . Official transcripts from ALL colleges attended must be on file at the time of admission . ** COVID19 Guidance for AY2020-2021 : During COVID19 , students may submit unofficial transcripts for Admission but are required to provide official transcripts prior to the start of the semester . 13 . Official transcript evaluation is processed after admission to the University . “ Issued to Student ,” unofficial transcripts are not use for transfer evaluation
Credit by Evaluation In order to recognize knowledge and experience attained through non-formal and non-traditional approaches to learning , the University utilizes several evaluation methods . Qualified students , with approval , may take examinations for academic credit as applicable to a given program of study . Students must arrange for non-traditional testing by obtaining an approval form signed by the Dean of the School for their major as well as from the Dean of the School for the course . Demonstrated evidence of “ out-ofschool ” knowledge or experience is considered in the approval decision . Students must complete testing at least one full semester prior to graduation . Unless authorized , thirty ( 30 ) Gwynedd Mercy University credits must be earned before credits are posted . Open electives cannot be fulfilled through testing modes . Students may not earn credit for any course which they have audited or for which they have received a