Gwynedd Mercy University
AY2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
( Example : One major program with BA degree , the second major program with BS or BSN degree )
Consortium Participation
Acadeum Gwynedd Mercy University is a participating Member of the Acadeum . Acadeum is a virtual academic consortium in which member institutions collaborate in sharing online , credit-bearing courses and programs . As a member , Gwynedd Mercy University makes available to its students , online courses offered by other members . Our students may register for an online course offered through Acadeum after consulting with their advisor and receiving the necessary approvals . Students who take an Acadeum course are billed through Gwynedd Mercy University at the prevailing per credit rate .
Member of the South Eastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education ( SEPCHE ) SEPCHE is a consortium of eight independent higher education institutions in the Greater Philadelphia region who engage in a collaborative approach to the challenges of higher education and work together to promote quality and efficiency of academic programming , student access , faculty development , institutional operations and community outreach , through sharing of a range of multi-functional activities , services and information . Other members of SEPCHE are : Arcadia University , Cabrini College , Chestnut Hill College , Holy Family University , Immaculata University , Neumann University and Rosemont College .
The SEPCHE Cross Registration Program is designed to provide increased educational access to all eightmember institutions for students at any member school . The SEPCHE schools include : Arcadia University , Cabrini College , Chestnut Hill College , Gwynedd Mercy University , Holy Family University , Immaculata University , Neumann University and Rosemont College . Through this program , students may take courses that might not be available at their home campus and experience the varied and diverse resources on member campuses across the Delaware Valley . The website is :
www . sepche . org
Cross Registration Guidelines Who Can Participate : Full-time undergraduate matriculated students paying full-time tuition at any SEPCHE member institution may register for up to two undergraduate courses a year at any other SEPCHE member institution provided they have fulfilled any prerequisites stated , that there is space available in the course and that the course or its equivalent is not given at the home institution in the same semester . Students must have completed at least one year as a full-time student at their home campus before taking courses through cross registration . Registration applications are completed by the student and his / her advisor and then submitted to the Assistant Registrar .
The cross registration program functions only in Fall and Spring semesters . Cross registration is not available for accelerated or weekend courses , independent study , tutorials , internships , practicum field experience , student teaching experiences , private music lessons , or per credit hour or graduate students .
Scheduling : Students must adhere to the registration policies and deadlines of the host institution , including those for adding and dropping courses . Students are responsible for adjusting to differences in academic schedules and calendars .