Ultimate Woman International June 2019 UWI June 2019 | Page 6
Spend your time wisely!
I am sure when you started your business you had
not envisioned it would be hard. Did you also have
a vision of getting paid what you’re worth? “Of
Course, you did”! Well, as you can see it is easier
said than done. Good News, now you are what
they call “seasoned in your business”. You’re a
true business owner. Congratulations!
Now, let’s dig deeper into what is entailed in your
business, and how that affects your mindset, time
and money.
I ask you, are you getting paid what your worth?
Why? Have you considered these few things?...
Do you, Ask for the sale? Don’t leave money on
the table. Work with clients that value your cus-
tomer service and will refer you. Don’t be afraid to
say NO, it will save you time and money and build
you a good reputation. When you are the best
clients will fall into your lap and become life-long
Building your business certainly comes with chal-
lenges but, how you react really tells the story and
how you come out on the other side.
Just getting started or less then a few years in your
business can feel like you are in what I call a
“Whirlpool”. You are moving at lightning speed,
trying everything, Like; seminars, webinars, net-
working, listening for the perfect formula for not
only running and maintaining your business but,
really making your mark on and representing your
industry. In addition, have you learned to dele-
gate? Here is where you can really see an increase
in your productivity and profits.
Work your business, Don’t let it work you!
Build your business to last! You and your family
are worth it! Take time for you and your family!
Ultimate Woman International Magazine June 2019