In some societies , mental and emotional issues are seen as less legitimate than physical issues . They ’ re seen as a sign of weakness or somehow as being our own fault .
Some people mistakenly see mental health problems as something we should know how to “ snap out of .” Men , especially , would often rather bottle up their feelings than seek help .
In our fast-paced world , we ’ re obsessed with seeking quick , simple answers to complex problems . We look for connection with others by compulsively checking social media instead of reaching out to people in the real world , for example . Or to boost our mood and ease depression , we ’ d rather pop a pill rather tackle the underlying issues .
Many people think that if they do seek help for mental and emotional problems , the only treatment options available are medication ( which comes with unwanted side effects ) or therapy ( which can be lengthy and expensive ). The truth is that , whatever your issues , there are steps you can take to improve the way you feel and experience greater mental and emotional wellbeing . And you can start today !
No matter how much time you devote to improving your mental and emotional health , you will still need the company of others to feel and function at your best . Humans are social creatures with emotional needs for relationships and positive connections to others . We ’ re not meant to survive , let alone thrive , in isolation . Our social brains crave companionship — even when experience has made us shy and distrustful of others .
Phone calls and social networks have their place , but nothing can beat the stressbusting , mood-boosting power of quality face-to-face time with other people .
The key is to interact with someone who is a “ good listener ”— someone you can regularly talk to in person , who will listen to you without their own conceptions of how you should think or feel . A good listener will listen to the feelings behind your words , and won ’ t interrupt , judge , or criticize you .
Reaching out is not a sign of weakness and it won ’ t make you a burden to others . Most people are flattered if you trust them enough to confide in them .
If you don ’ t feel that you have anyone to turn to , there are good ways to build new friendships and improve your support network . In the meantime , there is still a great benefit to interacting face-to-face with acquaintances or people you encounter during the day , such as neighbors , people in the checkout line or on the bus , or the person