Navigating through Pensions
– with confidence in the future
Since 2012, employers of all sizes have had to offer and contribute to a
workplace pension for their employees, and it’s for businesses to ultimately
decide what type of plan, and which pension provider’s services, to offer.
ith over £300bn invested in
employees’ DC retirement
savings 1 , employers will
want a return on that
investment in the same way
that they do when investing in equipment
or buildings. Making careful choices
around who is best placed to deliver the
right services for scheme members is
therefore critical.
Paul Enderby
Corporate Solutions Director
Workplace DC Pensions
Legal & General Investment
C h o o s e w i s e ly,
choose once
A hasty decision from the outset, or failing
to keep existing plans under review, can
mean unplanned extra work at the least,
and, in the worst case, problems for the
future direction of a business.
At L&G we’ve seen employers wanting
to work with us after acting in haste and
repenting at leisure. Rather than focusing
on their business, they have had to devote
unplanned time, budget and energy
on pensions when, for example, their
provider has left the market, or changing
regulations have left their scheme no
longer fit for purpose.
Whilst a good benefit consultant
can help businesses choose the right
provider, in many cases decisions or
recommendations are made purely on
If no consideration is given to the
financial strength of the provider, its
commitment to the UK market, the quality
of its administration or the effectiveness
of its investments, both businesses and
their people will ultimately lose out.