UKSPA Directory 2017
an ecosystem which is reflective of the
current market dynamics.
D eve l o ping a U S P
The key is translating this analysis to
develop a unique selling point (or USP)
for a science park. If this is carried out
correctly, the UK has the capacity to
support different USPs throughout
the entire country.
USPs strengthen the added value
offered by the park within its region
and eliminate the notion that science
parks need to compete with each
other in order to be successful. This
encourages the collaborations
within and between parks, ultimately
advancing the quality and scale of
science and technology outcomes.
The demands of the modern science
occupier are also changing. Gone are
the days of lab spaces being tucked
away in dark corners of crumbling
old research facilities. The emphasis in
any workplace today is on supporting
teamwork and collaboration, right
down to opportunities for chance
meetings. This is now considered a
crucial requirement for the science
community. By enabling different
disciplines such as academic
institutions, commercial research
organisations, and start-ups to work
side-by-side and having a building or
park that can flex to meet the different
demands to reflect changes in the
market, you can facilitate the rapid
transfer of knowledge and decision-
making demanded by modern tenants.
While regional locations should be
aspiring to create ecosystems that
draw on their local expertise and
skill set, they must also be conscious
not to over-differentiate themselves
and create a disconnect from other
parks. There are so many opportunities
for science parks across the UK to tap
into the expertise and credentials
available in other parks, yet few
take full advantage of this.
How well
do you
kn o w y o ur
neigh b o urs ?
H o w t o adapt
For science parks that are looking
to change and adapt, my best advice
would be to do your homework – learn
about your region, communicate and
collaborate with other parks, speak to
universities to find out what they need
and find the experts out there who can
help. Regional sites can partner with,
and tap into the reputation and
opportunities enjoyed by, the science
powerhouses in the golden triangle.
As we approach Brexit, it is time to
think of the UK as a single, powerful
science unit, rather than a disparate
collection of is