Uglobal Immigration Magazine Volume 2, Issue 2 | Page 22

22 UGLOBAL IMMIGRATION MAGAZINE into effect this year. The overall purpose of the changes was to enhance the credibility and the efficiency of the program and to secure the country’s reputation with an ultimate goal of benefitting the economy. Indeed, the new guidelines meant that the program is now more regulated while the investment is safeguarded through legal provisions. Additionally, the program acquired a socially responsible character, since the new changes provide for support for research and development as well as for “ The overall purpose of the changes was to enhance the credibility and the efficiency of the program. ” contribution to housing incentives for sensitive groups, which have been affected by the increase in housing prices caused by the program’s popularity. KEY CHANGES TO CIP In May, a donation of 150,000 euros was introduced, which is split between the Research and Innovation Foundation and the Cyprus Land Development Corporation. In spite of the beneficial aspect of the donation to the society at large, this criterion has increased the overall cost of the investment, especially taking into account the relevant duties and taxes (e.g. VAT on new properties.) In July, the Council of Ministers decided to impose the requirement for the donation, following the approval of a successful citizenship application, instead of requiring the donation at the early stages before the submission of the application. This was a positive development for interested investors since their funds will not be donated if and when a citizenship application is rejected. Also, the minimum period of maintaining the investment has been increased from three to five years. While this extends the overall return on interest, maintaining the investment for two more years has been neutrally received by interested investors. In addition to this, a valid Schengen visa must be presented at the time of submission of the investors’ application. The same requirement applies to any of their family members who are over 18 years old. The criterion of investing in governmental bonds is no longer an option, while the financial criterion of bank deposits has not been available since September 2016. Instead, the investment in securities on the secondary của đất nước với mục tiêu cuối cùng là mang lại lợi ích cho nền kinh tế. Thật vậy, các hướng dẫn mới có nghĩa là chương trình hiện tại được quy định rõ ràng hơn đồng thời các dự án đầu tư cũng được các quy định pháp luật “ Mục đích chung của những thay đổi là nâng cao uy tín và tính hiệu quả của chương trình. ” bảo vệ. Ngoài ra, chương trình đã trở nên có trách nhiệm với xã hội, vì những điều sửa đổi, bổ sung mới bao gồm cả việc hỗ trợ cho nghiên cứu và phát triển, cũng như góp phần thúc đẩy nhà ở cho các nhóm đối tượng nhạy cảm, vốn đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi giá nhà đất tăng do sự phổ biến của chương trình. NHỮNG THAY ĐỔI CHÍNH ĐỐI VỚI CIP Vào tháng 5, một khoản quyên góp 150.000 euro đã được đưa vào thực hiện, quỹ này được phân phối giữa Quỹ