returns well over the market rate and promises to cover all fees , even to pay the VAT .
But let ’ s get realistic . The only person paying for this is the investor in the inflated price of the property he is investing in . It sounds great in the short term , but where does this leave the investor when he realizes after three years that his investment is worth less than what he paid for it ?
At the end of the day , if an investment has a return of 10 percent or more , why would a good business offer it to you ? Realistically , an investment that offers a return of at least double what you can get with a bank deposit is considered a good investment when also taking into account capital growth .
With the Cyprus government aware of what happened 15 years ago , while keen to continue with its successful citizenship program , it is equally keen to ensure that it is regulated . It has created Cyprus new code of conduct and enhanced due diligence .
In May of this year , the government introduced a cap of 700 citizenships per year . It also introduced enhanced due diligence procedures on applicants to protect against money laundering and corruption although it must be stated that the existing global banking regulations already cover this .
From July 31 , 2018 , applications for naturalization may be submitted only by registered service providers . Property developers , law and accounting firms and other professionals are required to sign and comply with the provisions of a code of conduct , which among others , obliges them to verify the legitimacy of an investor ’ s funds and refrain from advertising the scheme as a Cypriot passport sale .
The registry will be published on July 31 , 2018 on the websites of the ministries of Finance and Interior as well as Invest Cyprus ( the former Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency ). Those who comply , namely the reputable firms and developers qualified to offer the programs , will have nothing to fear .
Those simply out to maximize their gain , at the cost of the consumer , will fall by the wayside . The winner will be customers who can buy with the knowledge that their investment is safe , secure and realistic .
打击洗钱行为和腐败活动 。 2018 年 7 月 31 日起 , 入籍申 请仅能通过注册服务提供商递交 , 房产开发商 、 律师和 会计事务所以及其他专业人士必须签字表明遵守行为守 则条款 , 条款包括强制性核实投资者的资金合法性 , 不得 以 “ 出售塞浦路斯护照 ” 为噱头推广该项目 。
注册结果将于 2018 年 7 月 31 日公布在财政部 、 内政部和 投资塞浦路斯 ( 前塞浦路斯投资促进局 ) 网站上 。
那些遵纪守法 、 口碑出众 、 具有提供投资移民项目相关 服务资质的公司和开发商无需对市场监管力度的加大而 感到畏惧 。 只有那些以消费者为代价最大化自己的利益 的投机者才会被监管严格的市场所淘汰 。 消费者将是此 举的最大受益人 , 他们能够放心地说 , 自己的投资是安全 的 、 具有保障的 、 符合市场实际的 。
塞浦路斯护照广受追捧 , 也将房地产市场形势与全球移 民需求联系在了一起 。 规范市场秩序实际上将房地产开 发商推入了一个全新的行业 。 但是让我们现实一点 : 房 地产开发商不是移民专家 , 不应该指望他们对移民相关 法规有深入理解 ; 同样 , 移民公司也不具备出售房地产 的资质 。 正因如此 , 双方都意识到了协同合作以满足投 资移民项目要求的迫切需要 。 加强市场监管只会给整个 行业带来利好 。
项目自五年前推出以来 , 已经为塞浦路斯经济带来了超 过 50 亿欧元的投资 。 毫不夸张地说 , 这是塞浦路斯经济 能在 18 个月内出现 180 度大转变的重要助力之一 。 财政 部长富有远见地通过该项目向本国成功引进了投资 , 还 增加了建筑和服务行业的就业 , 从而使得塞浦路斯成为 欧洲发展最为迅速的经济体之一 。
其他推动投资和人口流入塞浦路斯的因素还包括石油天 然气勘探 、 海上运输 、 大型公司和金融服务行业的迅速 发展 , 以及旅游业高达 17 % 的增长 。
60 天内取得永久居民身份 、 90 天内取得塞浦路斯护照 并享受欧盟公民的全部福利 , 加之稳定的政治经济环境 与全球移动的自由性 , 这都促使塞浦路斯成为众多高净 值个人心之所向的移居目的地 。 的确 , 欧洲本身就是一 个极具吸引力的大陆 , 为投资人的子孙后代提供了丰富 机会与极大安全性 。
随着政府保护消费者权益政策的施行与深化 , 投资人的 资金安全性也有了更多保障 , 他们也能对其生活质量和 需求的满足充满信心 。
塞浦路斯也应该成为其他投资移民项目国效仿的榜 样 。
The Cyprus passport has become highly sought after and that links real estate hand in hand to the world of migration . This move basically catapulted property developers into a totally new dimension . But let ’ s be honest : Property developers are not immigration experts , nor should they be .