In May of this year , the government introduced a cap of 700 citizenships per year . It also introduced enhanced due diligence procedures ...
There is now a different product but potentially the same problem . This time , the industry is leveraging on those people who , by way of securing either a passport or permanent residency , are looking to move to Cyprus for security , political stability or to ring fence their assets and with it the future of their up-and-coming generations . While the schemes themselves are highly regulated by the respective governments , as is the legal process , where the industry has failed to take control is with the companies and individuals tasked to find the clients .
Traditionally , the responsibility of immigration companies that we now see is a plethora of marketing agencies all actively promoting programs and the “ best deals ” for both themselves and their clients . It ’ s totally unregulated . There are offers of high guaranteed rental
的 。 他们承诺远高于市场平均水平 的租赁回报 , 负责全部费用甚至替客 户缴纳增值税 。 但实际上 , 为这一系 列承诺买单的只有支付远高于市场 价的投资者 。 虽然这样的交易在短 期内听上去很诱人 , 但若投资人在三 年后意识到所购买房地产的价值远 远低于当初的价格 , 他们又将面临着 怎样的处境 ?
考虑到以上情况后 , 如果投资回报达 到了 10 % 或更高 , 那他们为什么要把 这么好的交易拱手让给你 ? 实际上 , 考虑到账户资金增长 , 能达到银行存 款利率两倍以上的投资回报率就已 经是非常优秀的投资机会了 。
塞浦路斯政府深知 15 年前房地产危 机的成因 , 在积极进行优秀投资移 民项目推广的同时 , 也加强了市场 监管 。 塞浦路斯政府创立了全新的 行为规范和更为严格的尽职调查体 系 。 今年五月 , 塞浦路斯政府推出了 每年 700 个公民配额的政策 , 还引入 了对申请人更为彻底的尽职调查 , 在 现存全球银行规范的基础上 , 进一步