UFit Volume 1 Issue 1 | Page 14

essential nutrients

while saving your wallet

1. Products with no wheat

2. Fatty sandwich spread to avoid

4. Healthy cooking oil

6. Healthy protein spread

9. Fruit providing monounsaturated fats

10. Soup or...

11. Fat-free ice-cream

13. Sweeter spud

14. Keeps the doctor away

15. 10 calorie pasta

18. Provides 30 percent of daily-recommended potassium

21. Healthier Rice

23. Fruit with loads of calcium

26. Healthy alternative to fried 31. Even the diet kind isn't good for you

32. These berries can actually help whiten teeth

34. Lean meat

35. Great for soups

38. Green tree vegetable

44. For salads or wraps

47. Can be made as a mashed potato substitute

49. Essential for wine-making

50. Meatless protein


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