UCUMC Celebration Newsletter May 2013 | Page 8

Praise The Lord : HOLLYWOOD STARS VISIT UCUMC ! On Saturday ,
Upcoming Events :

adult ministries

Praise The Lord : HOLLYWOOD STARS VISIT UCUMC ! On Saturday ,

April 27 the 9 th annual UCUMC women ’ s luncheon was held in the fellowship hall . 196 women were treated to a wonderful lunch , door prizes , a hat contest and lots of laughs ! The theme this year was Hooray for Hollywood and the highlight of the afternoon was the appearance of our Hollywood stars ( played by the men of the Covenant Keepers ).
The cast of characters ranged from Charlie Chaplin to Marilyn Monroe ( aka Phil Reed ). The Lion , Scarecrow , Tin Man and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz shared a screen test with the ladies and James Bond made the ladies swoon ! Shirley Temple appeared and we even had Superman ( aka Pastor Ron ) join us for the afternoon .
The luncheon is sponsored by the Covenant Keepers Sunday School Class and the proceeds from the luncheon are used by the class to support mission and church projects throughout the year . The Covenant Keepers members would like to thank all the ladies who attended for making this a record year and they look forward to a special 10 th anniversary next year !
The UCUMC Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to bless people through their talent for knitting or crocheting ! Through a colleague Ceil McGee discovered a contact and need in Boston . Rev . Ann Haywood-Baxter is an elder in our conference serving at Boston ’ s Children ’ s Hospital . Ironically she also lives in the same neighborhood has the MIT campus guard who was killed . The UCUMC Prayer Shawl ministry responded by sending 12 shawls and cards created by others in the congregation . Ann writes : “ Please extend my appreciation to the group that knitted and prayed for those who will receive these prayer shawls . All of us here in Boston are on the journey toward healing and we appreciate your thoughts and prayers . Thank you !”

Upcoming Events :

Heavenly Readers is a group of ladies who meet each month to review and discuss the book club ’ s current reading selection . One goal of the group is to include selections from the UMW Reading Program in their schedule . Since forming last summer , the group has grown in numbers and in faith as they have read a variety of Christian books , both fiction and nonfiction . Come join us as we look into different cultures , glimpse the lives of other women and share our thoughts about what we read !
Heavenly Readers meets the 3rd Wednesday each month at 6:30 p . m . in the Guest Café . In May we will be discussing Brenda Warner ’ s memoir , Just a Call Away and in June we will be reading The Sweet Gum Ladies Knit for Love by Beth Pattillo . All ladies are invited to join in the fun ! For more information contact Cindy Leap , gslgrantwriter @ gmail . com .
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NEW Summer Adult Bible Studies - Click Here for more information and registration !
• Abba ’ s Child by Brennan Manning ; starts Wed . May 15th at 6:30pm ; 12 sessions . A discussion oriented group ; we ’ ll attempt to see each other and ourselves as God sees us ! The book will cost $ 12 .
• The Bible : Epic Ministries Study . 5 week study based on clips from the recent History Channel series The Bible . Begins Mon ., May 13th at 6:30pm
• MTO S13 : Lord Change My Attitude by James MacDonald ; starts Tues . June 4th from 9:30-11:30am or Wed . May 29th from 7-9pm .
• MTO S13 : Living Your Life as a Beautiful Offering by Angela Thomas ; starts Tues . June 11th from 9:30-11:30am .
• MTO Book Club - 3 Wed nights , 7-8pm : June 12th , July 9th , & Aug . 7th .
• Contagious Christian ; starts Wed . May 29th at 6:30pm ; 4 week group - Helping Christians communicate their faith in a style that fits them !
• Praying Big / Telling Stories ; starts Tues . at 6:30pm or Wed . at 10am ; 3 weeks . Boost your prayer life & learn to answer questions about your faith .
Ceil McGee , Adult Ministry Director cmcgee @ ucumc . org , 704-369-8006