2.- Similarities with a PC to handle their proper functioning.
Closed Open System
A closed architecture or
proprietary system is one whose
design makes it more difficult to
connect devices and programs
made by other manufacturers.
We can analyze the PLC by its
structure in:
A. Internal: Composed of
electronic devices to
accommodate the basic
instructions of the PLC operation,
as well as the units to process
With them it is possible to carry
out operations in real time, due to instructions of a preloaded
program and perform the tasks
its reduced reaction time. In
specified in it.
addition, they are devices that
B. External: As indicated, it
corresponds to the digital input
Programmable Logic Controllers
and output modules, power
(PLCs) easily to new tasks due to
their flexibility when programming source, housing, led indicators; It
contains the clearly tangible
them, thus reducing additional
elements of the PLC.
costs when developing projects.
They also allow immediate
communication with other types
of controllers and computers and
even allow network operations. As
previously mentioned, they have a
stable construction as they are
designed to withstand adverse
conditions on vibrations,
temperature, humidity and noise.
They are easily programmable
through quite understandable
programming languages.
However, they have certain
disadvantages such as the need
for qualified technicians