UAT ISC / A&R 19 UAT ISC A&R 19 | Page 12

Development tools It can be developed in various tools EMPLOYMENT OF THE SPECIAL BIT The special Bit tool. Said tool consists of a discrete pulse generator (logical "0" or logical "1") and has the function of energizing and de-energizing the contact it represents with a fixed time interval, which can be 1 second or 1 minute . CALL FUNCTION In what refers to the "Call Function" tool, it helps to structure and reduce our program, since it encapsulates within a set called Function a series of instructions that perform a specific task and this Function is invoked whenever necessary, Its implementation is explained in the development of the following example. IDE4PLC The IDE4PLC software is the reference implementation of the design proposed in “Software and hardware design of a programmable logic controller (PLC) and its programming environment” • Possibility of offering a version control system. I / O Amount: One of the most common classifications of PLCs refers directly to the number of inputs and outputs (I / O or I / O) of a PLC and tells us that a PLC is considered a micro PLC when they are less than 64 E / S, small when they have less than 256 I / O, medium when they have less than 1024 I / O and large when they have more than 1024 I / O.