Left: Arch. Tejuco
proudly holds the
banner bearing the
logos of University
of Santo Tomas-
College of Architec-
ture , UAP and
Kalayaan 100
Chapter during the
UN-Habitat III
Conference .
Below: Tejuco (3rd
from right) with
some international
Arch. Shamcey
Appointed UAP
Arch. Shamcey Supsup-Lee, Miss Universe 2011 Third Runner Up,
UP Magna cum Laude and First Placer in 2010 Architecture Board
Exam was appointed as the first UAP Ambassadress of Goodwill
during an oath-taking ceremony last November 29, 2016 at the UAP
Headquarters, 53 Scout Rallos, Quezon City.
The task of the “Ambassadress of Goodwill” of the Organization is to
promote the architectural profession by demonstrating “the genuine and
active role of the organization to the community and the significance and
role of architecture profession in nation-building.” With her exemplary
achievements, immense credibility and popularity, the UAP National
Board of Directors agreed on the appointment under UAP NBD, RESO-
LUTION NO. 42, SERIES OF 2016-2017. The position was initially
offered to Arch. Supsup-Lee by National President Arch. Guillermo H.
Hisancha during the Induction of UAP Tandang Sora Chapter in August
17, 2016. Architect Supsup-Lee immediately accepted the offer, and said
that she is honored to be chosen as an ambassador of the UAP, thanking
the Organization for trusting her with such responsibility.
The oath taking of UAP’s Ambassadress of Goodwill was led by
National President Arch. Hisancha and attended by National Executive
Vice President Arch. Nina Bailon Arce, VP for Area A Arch. Jun An-
dres, VP for Area B Arch. Cesar Aljama, Secretary General Arch. Rene
Heray, National Treasurer Arch. Pamela Nantes Amador, National Au-
ditor Arch. Eldred Caesar Tan, and Arch. Joana Dungca, UAP Tandang
Sora Chapter President.
RK100 official represents
UAP in UN conference
Felicisimo A. Tejuco, Jr., former president of UAP Rizal-Kalayaan 100 and former
district director of A-5, joined 40,000 delegates from all over the world to witness the
adoption of the Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for
All through the “New Urban Agenda” during the United Nations (UN)-Habitat III
Conference held in Quito, Ecuador from 16-20 October 2016.
With the expected global growth of ency. Among the Filipino speakers and re-
the population to nearly double in 2050, source persons who shared the housing chal-
the UN General Assembly lenges and developments of the Philippines
led the participants in a were Vice-President Maria Leonor Robredo;
shared vision of inclusivity former UAP National President Maria Benita
and no discrimination “to O. Regala; and Ofelia Bagotlo and Ruby
inhabit and produce just, Papeleras officials of Homeless People's
safe, healthy, accessible, Federation Philippines Inc. (HPFPI).
affordable, resilient, and
Aside from the lectures, delegates were
sustainable cities and hu- able to tour heritage, ecological and modern
man settlements.” Through development in Quito, which included old
supportive framework and houses and churches, eco-forests and a volca-
policies, the New Urban no, and the UN-Habitat III pavilion, which
Agenda will be implement- exhibited the best in city and housing plan-
ed through urban develop- ning in the world.
ment that is sustainable,
After the conference, Tejuco also flew to
inclusive, and environment-sensitive.
Brazil to visit the Santa Marta favela (or
Held every 20 years, UN-Habitat III is slum), which is a famous informal settlement
a reaffirmation of the international com- and tourist destination in Rio de Janeiro,
mitment to sustainable urbanization. known for its painted mural houses. Aside
Quito, Ecuador is the third host, which is from being the venue of the music video of
considered the center of the world. Van- Michael Jackson’s “They Don’t Care about
couver, Canada (1976) and Istanbul, Us,” the Santa Marta favela was the inspira-
Turkey (1996) previously hosted the first tion of the painted houses of La Trinidad,
two UN conferences. Before each main Baguio. Hawaii, USA was his last stop,
conference, conventions and side events where he visited Pearl Harbor, the first casu-
have been organized by UN with differ- alty of the Japanese air attack during the
ent countries as co-hosts.
Second World War.
Similarly, the five-day UN-Habitat III
Incidentally, Tejuco also represented the
also became a venue for discussions and organization during the American Institute of
dialogues on city and housing develop- Architects (AIA) Convention in Philadelphia,
ment, climate change, and disaster resili- USA from May 17-20, 2016.
The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects