UALGORITMO 1 Ualgoritmo N1 2019 | Page 13

Volume: 1 Número: 2 outubro 2019 Utilização de compostos com atividade antimalárica no controlo de perkinsiose em bivalves Autores: Lília I. L. Cabral, Catarina Dias, Ricardo B. Leite e Maria L. S. Cristiano Afilições: Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMar), UAlg, Departamento de Química e Farmácia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UAlg Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência Revisão: Escola: ES Pinheiro e Rosa, Faro Alunos: Catalina Botnaru, Diogo Lourenço, Inês Borges, Janine Ferro, Luena Marques, Maximilian Kaiser, Pedro Jesus, Rodrigo Fernandes, Rúben Gonçalves e Sofia Ramalho ABSTRACT: Outbreaks of protozoan agents such as Perkinsus olseni represent major losses for the shellfish producers, urging the development of measures to contain and decrease these episodes. Antimalarial drugs and selective inhibitors designed to target unique metabolic features of the parasite (metabolisms that are not replicated in the host, such as the folate, and shikimate pathways), have been successfully used in the laboratory to inhibit Perkinsus proliferation. However, due to specificities in Perkinsus species and the surrounding environment, development of drug candidates requires further optimization at the molecular level, to improve pharmacologic properties, as well as development of suitable tests and administration protocols for adequate use. Recent advances and future perspectives on the use endoperoxide-type antimalarials for perkinsosis therapy are presented and discussed. 11