UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 6

Auditory Comprehension
Level 1 Notes :
� Arrange any 3 objects on a table . o Example : pencil , book , and phone . o Add to the number of objects as the person progresses . � Allow the person to look over the objects to get familiar with them . � Ask the person to name one object at a time . � Ask the person to point to the object that you name . � Ask the person to tell you each object ’ s function . o Example : “ point to the object you can write with .” � Ask the person to point to 2 or 3 objects that you named in order that you name them . o Example : “ point to the pencil first and then show me the phone .”
Task : � Name the object . � Point to the object . � Say the object ’ s function .
Level 2 Notes :
� Ask a number of “ yes ” or ” no ” questions . o Examples : “ Are you married ?” “ Are you hungry ?” “ Are you wearing a coat ?” etc .
� Make the questions more challenges as the person progresses . o Examples : “ Do people eat food when they are hungry ?” “ Do people wear coats to keep cold ?” etc .
Task : � Answer the question
Level 3 Notes :
� Ask the person to follow two‐part instructions . o Example : “ Touch your nose and your chin .” “ Raise your hand and smile .” Etc .
Task : � Follow the instructions .
Level 4 Notes :
� Arrange any 3 objects on a table . o Example : pencil , book , and phone .
� Ask the person to follow two‐part instructions using an object . o Example : “ pick up the pencil and write your name .” “ pick up the phone and dial a number .” Etc .