Tynes Family Christmas Newsletter Christmas Edition | Page 3

A few highlights from our year:

* The kids are in 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and kindergarten

* Stephen began his 10th year at Avanade

* We have been blessed to have many travels this year including Tennesse, Washington State, Kentucky, Florida, New York, Alaska, and even India.

* Rochelle completed her first half marathon in under 2 hours.

* Stephen and Rochelle honed our disaster relief skills after a north georgia tornado earlier this year.

* We spent a week as a family at several Orlando theme parks in September.

* The kids loved their first year with their new puppy, Bruce.

* We continue to have a heart for the Alaskan Native population and Stephen made another trip this year.

* The kids were involved in soccer, baseball, basketball, art, piano, and cheerleading as well as church activities.

* We've spent a lot of time in prayer and care of my grandpa Hillman this year. We are so blessed to still have him in our lives.

We hope this is your most blessed Christmas yet!

The View

Tynes Magazine / December 2013 3