Tyme 1920s 1 | Page 3

Page 1 Nativism Nativism Nativism means the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants towards those of immigrants. In the 1920’s especially, there were high restrictive of Southern and Eastern European immigrants over to the United States. Natives saw immi- Laws In 1921, the Emergency Quota Act was passed. In 1924, the Immigration Act of 1924 was later passed. The Chinese Exclusion was also another law passed. Ku Klux Klan Was formed in 1886 by ex– confederate soldiers and other southerns who opposed reconstruction after civil war. The Klan didn’t just target blacks, but it targeted also catholics, jews, and foreigners. In the 1920’s, the Klan moved in many states to dominate politics. The Klan devised a strategy called the “decade” in whih every member of the Klan was responsible for recruiting 10 people to vote for Klan candidates in elections. After a dominant run, the KKK had virtually disappeared from the American landscape.