TY Update March 2017 | Page 33


Parents have a significant role to play in making their child ’ s TY experience a positive one . But parents are often hesitant to get involved , largely owing to the limits of their own understanding about the programme , it ’ s aims and objectives and it ’ s opportunities .
Reliable information about TY can be hard to find , especially without the benefit of having experienced TY themselves or being new to the whole concept .
This can be frustrating for parents , especially when they discover yet another opportunity that has passed by which they feel their child is ideally suited for .
One of the primary reasons for creating TY Ireland was to address this very issue ; to break the barriers to the vital information that can be the difference between a life-changing experience and a “ doss-year ”.
As an extension to the information we provide to parents , we have teamed up with QQI to compile a mini- series of interviews with some key personalities in the world of TY . The series is titled “ Demystifying TY ” and , as the title suggests , aims to address some of the misconceptions about TY and to help parents make sense of what can be a very confusing year .
This mini-series was recorded at the Tinpot studios in Dublin and was developed with the parent in mind . The interviews aim to give parents varying perspectives of the TY programme and how they can assist their child to get the best out of TY . It is imperative for parents to hear directly from these key players in the delivering of a full and satisfying TY programme .
The video ’ s are being released ( in true NETFLIX fashion ) over a period of weeks and the first videos can be found on our website are up on our website parents ’ resource page . ( http :// www . tyireland . com / parentsresource ).


The first four instalments include the following interviews :
• Finian O ’ Connor , TY Coordinator at Ashbourne Community School .
• Margie McCarthy , Head of Education & Public Engagement , Science Foundation Ireland
• Yvonne McKenna , CEO of GAISCE
• Laura Carrigan , Strategic Planning and Communications Unit , QQI


Coming soon are interviews with ReachOut Parents as well as an interview with TYI Ambassador Reece Sheridan ( talking about what your child needs you to know about TY )


The series has received a lot of praise on our website and social media and we ’ re already considering a follow-on series and are looking for ideas that will help “ Demystify ” TY even further .
Keep an eye on social media as we will be releasing more videos and information soon . If you haven ’ t done so already , like us on Facebook and follow us in twitter .
If you , the teacher / guidance councillor / parent / principal / TY student have any ideas about breaking information barriers between parents and TY , please get in touch .!

! transitionyearireland @ gmail . com

www . tyireland . com FOR EVERYTHING TY