TY Update March 2017 | Page 32

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TY EXPO 2017

Transition Year Ireland is pleased to announce that the NPCpp ( National Parents Council post primary ) are joining us at TY EXPO 2017 in September . The NPCpp will host the parent ’ s lounge where parents are invited for a complimentary cup of coffee and a chat .
NPCpp works as umbrella group for parent associations in the secondary section of the Irish education system and gives a national voice to parents of students in post primary schools .
This is a most exciting development in the roll-out of TYI ’ s support services and in our attempt to reach out to all stakeholders in Transition Year .
For too long parents have been kept ( or rather kept themselves ) at arms length from their child ’ s TY experience . Parents are hesitant to become “ overly involved ” in their child ’ s TY programme for fear being seen as interfering or out of uncertainty about their own understanding of TY .
“ BE INFORMED ” is the number one comment from teachers
when surveyed about their advice to parents .
“ Parents have a much more proactive role to play in ” according to Finian O ’ Connor , TY Coordinator at Ashbourne Community School .
One of the biggest challenges that teachers face is that parents often don ’ t treat TY with the same importance as other “ traditional ” academic years , and this attitude can filter down to their child .
To address some of the challenges that parents face in being informed and involved in their child ’ s TY experience , TYI and NPCpp are paying special attention to parents at TY EXPO 2017 in September .
We ’ re setting aside a special “ parent ’ s lounge ” where parents can meet with members of the NPCpp over a coffee and we ’ re encouraging them to browse the exhibits , presentations , workshops and more that focus on the opportunities available during TY .


Details of the event are available on www . tyireland . com

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Edwin Landzaad ( TYI ) conducting interviews at Tinpot studios
The role of Parents in Transition Year is often overlooked and undervalued , more so by parents themselves than by anyone else .
Ask any TY Coordinator and they will tell you that the role of parents in a successful TY is vital .
Parents ’ Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools
Cooperation Of Minority Religions and Protestant Parents ’ ASSociations
Education Training Board ’ s National Parents ’ Association
Federation of Catholic Secondary Schools ’ Parent Associations