TY Update March 2017 | Page 23


We are ideally positioned to give insightful and objective


advice and input . Our team encompasses expertise in Teaching , TY Coordinating , Academia , Marketing , Entrepreneurship and more .



At TYI we are passionate about Transition Year and believe in the vast potential that this unique education opportunity holds for Irish students .


To complement the resources available through the various Transition Year Ireland products , we now offer a focused individual consulting service to assist in the development and improvement of TY across the board .


Whether you are a school looking to introduce or improve your TY programme or a company looking to broaden your engagement of TY students , our team will advise you and guide you in the right direction .
We are happy to help wherever your needs dictate and find the greatest demand for our service falls into one of two categories ;
• Schools introducing or improving TY
• Charities / Companies d e v e l o p i n g t h e i r T Y engagement .
If you would like to find out more about our services please drop us a line via our contact page , email us at transitionyearireland @ g mail . com or call 089 212 1490 www . tyireland . com FOR EVERYTHING TY